Do You Need A CV For A Job In The UK?

If you are moving to the UK, or your partner is moving to the UK, you are probably starting to think about your UK job search.

Professionally written CVs for jobs in the UK

Here at Obvious Candidate, the specialist professional CV writers and interview preparation coaches, we have a specific team that focuses exclusively on CVs for the UK. When you are moving country there’s so much to think about, we help our Clients by taking the pressure off the start of their UK job search.

Call us for a free of charge, no obligation consultation

At Obvious Candidate we are professionals. We take time to get to know you and to know what type of employment you are looking for. Our experienced consultants know exactly what will be required in a British-style CV to get you noticed and to help you stand out from the crowd of other applicants in this competitive job market.

To get to know you better we always start off with a free of charge, 15 mins telephone consultation. You...

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How to select a professional CV writing service?

If you are about to start a job search process or if you’ve been looking for a while and haven't been getting invited to interviews, then a professionally written CV could be a smart investment for you.

In this post, we take a look at why you should use a professional CV writer and how you should go about selecting the right one from the hundreds out there.

Why get your CV written by a Pro?

– Probably the biggest reason is that your rival candidates have already done this! If you are going to even start this race for the job you need to be on the same start line!

– Quite simply there’s no comparison. Not many of use try to fix our own car, dry clean our own clothes, be our own lawyer. For the same reason we shouldn’t assume that CV writing is just something we can ‘turn our hand to’ when the time comes.

– They know the tricks of the trade. They will include the ‘magic words’ which...

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