The War for Talent – Salaries are Rising!

As those of us close to recruitment know, there is always a shortage of talent. Even when jobs seem to be disappearing faster than ever, Talent is still not only sought-after but also handsomely paid.

According to the Recruitment & Employement Confederation and KPMG, the starting salary index for permanent staff jumped from 53.9 in June to 56.1 in July 2010. This is the highest it’s been since April 2008.

In contrast the number of jobs available is still slipping away. This of course means that there is ever more competition and overall, employer are willing to pay more for better candidates.

It’s never been more lucrative to be brilliant!


That’s why we tell our Clients how important it is to genuinely shine – both from the pages of your CV to your dazzling interview performance. So often we see candidates with lacklustre CVs and less than standout interview skills. And while it’s still possible to get the job, such candidates are losing £’000s off their starting salaries and failing to hit the ground with the deck of promotion cards stacked in their favour.

Think of it from the employer’s point of view…

If they find that you are 10-20% better than any other candidate – and you’ve consistently demonstrated this throughout the process from application to final interview – don’t you think they will be more flexible and accommodating to you during the salary negotiation? Of course, they will. They know you are the best and they want you. That’s when you get the payoff for your job search preparation. We’ve recently shown one candidate how to negotiate his salary and he’s walked into a job with a £16,400 pay rise. Not bad for 3 coaching sessions and a professionally written CV.

Specialists in 360 preparation

That’s why at Interview Doctor we go beyond the CV, we share the insider secrets of job search success with our Clients. Yes, the CV is Grade A, but it’s also about knowing how to ‘play the game’ – how to lead in the elaborate dance through the process to your new job.

Are Good People hard to find?

Well, the recruitment industry thinks so! So make sure you stand out from the crowd as genuine Talent. It’s actually easier than you think. Get in contact and we can show you how to dramatically accelerate your job search.

Book in for a free 30 mins consultation here:


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