Who wouldn’t like to add an extra £1,000 a month to their take home pay?
Sometimes it feels like an extra £1,000 would make all the difference. But what does it really take to add £12K into your pocket?
Well for most salaried workers that would take a lot of years of 2-5% pay rises! The secret here is to take a long term view and to up-skill yourself.
Take a look up the pay ladder to someone who is earning more than you. The heartening thing is that in any industry, the people who are heading the way today were once not even in the industry. They’ve learned what it takes and progressed through the steps. And you can too.
One senior HR Director has recently said that due to the ageing workforce and the lack of up-coming technical talent she fears that the “Talented Few” will be able to dictate the their terms of employment because they are so scarce yet so essential. The fact is that that day is already here. Those people with the right skills, the right education, the right attitude and the right experience do set their terms. And you can join them – starting today.
Look 5-10 years out (something that virtually no one does) and think where you want to be. Then consider what you would need to know and the qualification and experience you would need to have achieved to get there. Then start in that direction. Your progress towards the extra £12,000 can be far faster than you imagine. That’s the value of a future view.
At Interview Doctor we work with our Clients over the long term. Ask us about our 6 or 12 month Coaching Programmes. We help you define your future goals and accelerate your progress towards them. So whether you want a pay rise, more free time or greater recognition and kudos in your industry, give us a call on 02071019495.
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